Brandon Thorn

aka proggR/sgtgroucho

2014 ETH Call Proof
Screenshot shared by a friend confirming I remember ETH when it was just a whitepaper.
PS: You're welcome /r/uselessredcircle

Who Am I?

I'm a fullstack/blockchain/game dev who likes to play with new toys and experiment with zany ideas. Some interests include economics/finance, history, sociology/psychology, and communities. When put together, "socialcapitalism" has remained a core interest driving a lot of R&D projects.

What Drives Me?

I enjoy reducing complexity through analysis and lateral problem solving, but subsist off the act of meaningful and challenging creation.

I find our very existence and social development fascinating and from that fascination I seek to learn as much as I can about the world and ourselves every day.

The increase in information bandwidth and opportunity potential caused by the simple act of putting people together, along with the theory of multiple discoveries, make me dream of a new world where progress is deterministically driven forward through the power of a heroic community, rather than heroic individuals.

I strive to both see and create opportunities that allow me to reduce information asymmetry, and in doing so make the world a more fair and equitable place.

Ongoing Projects

Past Startup

Past Projects/Experiments

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